Sometimes the parts don’t add up

Jim Marcotte
6 min readJun 27, 2023
Photo by Chandler Cruttenden on Unsplash

I made the last bus with only seconds to spare. Finally, a chance to sit down and be quiet. It’s been a tough day at the office; I couldn’t concentrate, and it seemed like nothing would go easy. I suppose those two things are related. I am looking forward to getting home, walking up my oh-so-beautiful brick sidewalk to the front door of my oh-so-perfect little bungalow and collapsing onto my big cushy sofa.

The dog is overjoyed to see me. “I thought you were dead! But you came back! Hooray! Hooray!” It’s always the same whether I am gone ten minutes or all day. If only we could get that from people — no judgment or expectation, just unquestioning love and devotion. The dog runs to the back door to be let out. He’ll be back in a minute; he rarely breaks from his routine. Greet me, rush out to pee, come in for dinner, go back out to play. It’s what he does, it’s all he needs. No demands, no macho BS. I love dogs.

I step into the bedroom and strip off my skirt, sweater and bra. Oh my god that’s a relief. If you ask me, the only good thing about a brassiere is taking it off at the end of a long day. I fluff the girls a couple times to loosen things up, drag on my sweats and go let the dog in. Flopping back on the couch, I unfold the paper and…



Jim Marcotte

Optimistic malcontent. Part curmudgeon, part chameleon. Fountain of knowledge/some of it true. Copywriter, licensing agent, marketer, dog person.